
Purissima Xiqueta Patron Saint Festivities 2022 in Benissa

Come and enjoy the Puríssima Xiqueta Patron Saint Festivities 2022 in Benissa. A multitude of acts and events await you and you can enjoy it with your family and friends.


“April 25” Literary Awards and Salvador Soria-Vila de Benissa Painting Contest 2022

8:00 pm: April 25 Literary Awards Ceremony and the S. Soria-Vila de Benissa Painting Contest.

Presentation of the winning works of the 2021 edition.

9:00 pm: Inauguration of the exhibition of the S. Soria-Vila de Benissa Painting Contest 2022. At the Center d’Art Taller d’Ivars.

10:30 pm: Parade of “festeros” accompanied by a brass band to see the streets decorated.


Proclamation and Coronation

7:00 pm: Party parade through the streets of the town.

8:00 pm: Proclamation of festivities in the Parish Church by Ana Ronda Femenía.

10 pm: Concentration of authorities and queens from neighboring towns in the Plaza del Portal.

10:30 p.m.: Coronation Act of the Junior and Senior Queens 2020: Itziar Perales Suárez and Emma Cozens-Hardy Vila.

At the end of the act, the party will continue with the Euforia orchestra in Plaça Rei Jaume I.

01.00 to 6.30 am: Punts Violeta, Plaça Rei Jaume I and Plaça Dolores Piera (car park where the stages are located in front of the Church).


Day of the Offering

10.00 am: The Church will remain open throughout the day for anyone who wants to make an offering to the Immaculate, to avoid crowds in the afternoon.

11.00 am: Children’s Park by Arte Mediterráneo.

12.30pm: Entrance of the Murta with the help of the Association of Horsemen and Carriage Drivers Amics del Carro, accompanied by the Colla El Riberer and a music band.

6.30 pm: Evening mass and ringing of bells.

7:00 pm: Concentration in the Plaza del Convento of the participants in the offering of flowers. Accompanied by the dance group L’Esbart Dansaire and the group of Xirimiters El Riberer. The dance group will dance in Plaça Rei Jaume I.

7.30 pm: Concentration of the festeros on the coast of the Convent to start the parade to the Church, accompanied by the Muixeranga strong> of the Marina Alta.

7.30pm:Offering of flowersto the Puríssima Xiqueta. Next, the imposition of medals on the festeros and the figure of the Muixeranga at the door of the Church.

00.30 am: Night mascleta of the Ricasa pyrotechnics in the roundabout of Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres.

01.00 am: Great performance of the tribute to Alejandro Sanz, “Lo que fui es lo que soy” byFran Valenzuela.

Next, orchestra Vertigo.

01.00 to 6.30 am: Punts Violeta, Plaça Rei Jaume I and Plaça Dolores Piera (car park where the stages are located in front of the Church).


Day of the Purisima

08:00 am: Woke up.

10.00 a.m.: Party parade through the streets of the town accompanied by the Pere Bigot Xirimiters Colla and music bands.

11:30 am: Solemn mass and sermon by the illustrious Mr. Don José Francisco Castelló, Chancellor Secretary of the Archbishopric of Valencia. Mass sung by the Coral Benissenca.

Next, visit the San Joaquín and Santa Ana Nursing Home.

2:00 pm: Great mascletada by the Ricasa pyrotechnics in the roundabout of Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres.

7:00 pm: Prayed mass and lowering of the image of La Patrona.

Then, solemn procession in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta.

At the end, a spectacular vertical mascletada by Ricasa.

After the vertical show, we continue with the tribute to Sabina “500 nights”. At the end, mobile disco with Dj Sergio Pérez.


Riberer Day

08:00 am: Awakening and ringing of bells.

10:00 am: Party parade through the streets of the town.

11.30 am: Solemn mass and sermon in honor of the Puríssima Xiqueta by Don Félix Perona, Vicar of the Parish of Sta. Maria de Ontinyent.

1 pm: Offering of flowers to the Riberer monument and tribute to Esteve Banyuls, José Vidal, José Martínez, José Aparicio and Vicent Sala Bertomeu. Proclamation by Antonio Esquerdo Banyuls in the Placeta Vella.

2:00 pm: Mascletada by Ricasa pyrotechnics at the Joaquín Peris and Mariana Torres roundabout.

6:00 pm: Great humorous cavalcade with a costume contest. The concentration will be in Alicante street.

Later, awards ceremony for the best decorated streets and the best costumes.

Next, all together we will enjoy the platinum productions children’s minidisco in Plaza Dolores Piera, with entertainers and gifts for the little ones.

00.00 h: Traditional song to the Salve to the Puríssima Xiqueta in the old house of Joan Vives, on Puríssima street, accompanied by a band of music. Later, firing of the kilometric firecracker.

00.30 am: Great night mascleta by the Ricasa pyrotechnics in the roundabout of Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres.

01.00 am: Delivery of the command staff to the mayor dels fadrinsXimo Roselló Martínez.

01.30 am: Performance by Danny Romero in the Dolores Piera square. We continue the party with the orchestra La Fiesta.

01.00 to6.30am: Punts Violeta, Plaza Rei Jaume I and Plaza Dolores Piera (car park where the stages are located in front of the Church).


Fadrins Day

08:30 am: Woke up.

11.00 am:Children’s playground in the roundabout Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres in charge of La Hobby Shows.

2:00 pm: Paella contest in Plaça ReiJaume I with a prize for the three best.

4.30 pm: Afternoon of music and dance at the San Joaquín and Santa Ana Nursing Home, enlivened by Francisco Escoda.

5.30 pm: Live music “The Eighty” Group Four, in Plaça Rei Jaume I.

6:00 pm: Itinerant theater for children «Giant soap bubbles» with fairies and mosquitoes. Departure from the coastal Convent.

Later, distribution of chocolate and cupcakes by the 2020 Festival Committee with the collaboration of the Spanish Association Against Cancer in the Joaquín Torres and Mariana Peris park.

10pm: Rock Night withVaire, La FúmigaandLas Hijas de la Cumbia strong> in the Dolores Piera square.

8:00 pm to 03:00 am: Punts Violeta, Plaça Rei Jaume I and Plaça Dolores Piera (car park where the stages are located in front of the Church).



12.30 pm:Children’s carts in the park by Arte Mediterráneo.

5.30 pm: Screening of “The Greatest Gift” at the Benissa Municipal Cinema. Free entrance. Limited capacity.

6.30 pm:Entrance of bulls and cows from the Asensi ranch.

7:00 p.m.: Cow and bull contest of the La Paloma ranch.

11:00 p.m.: Cows and bull from the Asensi ranch.



5.30 pm: Screening of “Tierra de María” at the Benissa Municipal Cinema.

Free entrance. Limited capacity.

6.30 pm: Music and dance at the Bèrnia social center with Francisco Escoda.

6.30 pm: Entrance of bulls and cows from the La Paloma ranch.

7:00 pm: Cow and bull competition from the Asensi ranch.

11 pm: Cows and bull from the Benavent ranch.



6.30 pm: Entrance of bulls and cows from the Benavent ranch.

7:00 pm:Cow and bull contestof the Benavent ranch.

11:00 pm:Entrance of the bulls of the La Paloma ranch. Then cows and bull from the same farm.

01.00 am: Macrodiscomóvil: Tumbalea in the roundabout Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres.


Vintage Day

11.00 am: Large playground in the roundabout Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres

12.00 noon: Entrance of inflatable oxen from Calle la Puríssima to Plaça Rei Jaume I.

12.30pm:Children’s wheelbarrows in Plaza Dolores Piera. All in charge of shows the fans.

12:30 pm: Tasting of Anís chases. Tennis in Plaza Dolores Piera with a brass band.

2:00 pm: Giant paella by Paellas Galvis, in collaboration with the Casa Boira supermarket.

5:00 pm: A great afternoon party with the Tokio Band orchestra in the Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres roundabout. We continue with the party remember Ninety’s Party with Dj José Coll (Event), José Cuenca (Chocolate) and Raul Platero strong> (MDT) Juanher and live performance by New Límit.

6.30 pm: Music and dance at the Bèrnia social center enlivened by Francisco Escoda. Distribution of chocolate and muffins.

6.30pm to 10.30pm: Winning farm of the cows and bull contest.

€300 prize for the best bull.

6:00 pm to 10:00 pm: Punt Violeta, at the Joaquin Piera and Mariana Torres roundabout.


Huitada Day

08:00 am: Awakening and ringing of bells.

10.00 am: Party parade through the streets of the town accompanied by music bands.

11.30 am: Solemn mass and sermon in honor of the Immaculate Xiqueta. Mass sung by the Parish Choir.

2:00 pm: Mascletada by Ricasa pyrotechnics at the Joaquín Piera and Mariana Torres roundabout.

8:00 pm:End of party musical.